Saturday, 21 May 2016

Production Cinematic - Update


Even though we were missing 3 members of the team I think I managed to briefly talk about what everyone was doing. Jonathan uploaded the latest audio for the clip and we all thought it was coming along nicely. Dane suggested during the shot of myself giving a blank stare that we add a subtle sound in. Such as a quiet "mmm" just to break the awkward silence in the shot. 


I've taken over title cards from Mikayla so she can put all her focus on the matte painting with Michelle. C. For the title cards Mikayla has already done quite a lot and everyone seems to agree one this one concept. 

I have began to clean up the title card so it'll be ready to be put into the clip sequence.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Production Cinematic - Update


Working more on mood lighting techniques in After Effects. I think I have a better understanding of the programme now to do what I want. I've taken a few screenshots of my filter/lighting tests.


In the photo above the pink-red colour came out quite strong. In the screenshots below you can see I was working on desaturating and blurring the shot to get a softer glow. 

At this point I began formulating a mood board to help me with visualising and inspiration. I searched up romantic lighting ideas and a lot of pictures emphasised soft light and slightly washed out colour. Other images though really emphasised the colour red as it is closely associated with 'Love' and 'Romance'. In my opinion intense red represents a more passionate affection, which isn't what butter is trying to portray. I'll be working more with soft orange and pink lights to create a subtle  cheesy romantic appeal.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Production Cinematic - Update

Production Cinematic

For the past week I have been working on more editing specifically focusing on editing the filters for  a few shots. I spent half the time watching tutorials on how to understand the very daunting Adobe After Effects. 

A few screenshots of tests I did.

Mainly working with photo filters and curves. I played with a red filter to try and make a "romantic" mood but found the red came out a bit intense.

For the screenshot above I played with an orange filter which made the colour come out more intense than the red. This test definitely didn't bring out the result I intended.

This was just a yellow filter play which is too yellow. 

After our group meeting I learnt a few more things about after effects such as instead of using default filters I could select custom and play with a wider selection of colours. Using Hue/Saturation was something I was requested to try in order to get the "romantic vision" effect for the shots of butter. 

After Jonathan took another look at the live action video he requested that I add a few extra seconds onto the scenes where butter talked, which I have done. Hopefully the timing works out well. 

I am waiting for end credits and a possible title card from Zack and Mikayla so I can add it with the rest of the footage. 

The 3d modelling by Jerwin and Michelle.C look good and I'm feeling good about the groups work and how everything is turning out. :)

Friday, 6 May 2016

Production Cinematic - Update


During the 2 week break I've been working on the editing of the live acton plate. Majority of my time was spent watching tutorials on how to work the software since I have little understanding in using Adobe After Effects and Premiere. I did manage to put together the live action footage and made many cuts to footage so transitions would be seamless and that timing was not over 1 minute. After all the cutting it was 57 seconds long. A few of the shots (the butter shots) I purposely made longer since the audio hasn't been added, so I was unsure how long the audio cuts would be.

After the meeting yesterday a few pints were made about the live action edit. The first being the 2nd shot, to which the colour is contrasting to the shot before it. I've began testing out filters and adjusting colour to the shot so I can have the lighting look more consistent.

The original shot before colour correction and filters.

The colour correction made in premiere.

My editing in after effects. I realise I'm still struggling with software issues (such as my lack of understanding of software) but I believe I'm slowly making adjustments to the footage.