Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Production Cinematic - Update


My Updates are getting progressively less and less but I am doing work. I have a few screenshots of butter being animated for the last shot. I was told that it looked jumpy so I'll need to go back and fix that. I will also need to rough in some arms because I realised I actually forgot about them. I put so much attention into the face I forgot the arms.

Cleaning up his face and making sure the movement of the face follows the body fluidly.

I still need to finish clean up of the title card but it won't take much clean because Mikayla did a good job creating it anyway. Zack should be working on the ending credits and hopefully everything can be done by Friday.  

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Production Cinematic - Update


I haven't been updating as regularly as I should be. I've been in and out with sickness for the past week but I try to make sure it doesn't hinder what I do. I've missed out on a couple group meetings so I've had to be brought up to speed on what needs to be done and what should be done.

I've made adjustments to the schedule again. Only small changes such as making Mikayla in charge of the matte painting. She'll need all the time to finish the paintings and won't need to focus on anything else until its done.

I've been animating the first shot where butter appears. It was a challenge to keep his face in place as he turned to face forward. 

According to the rest of the group the feedback has been positive and constructive. Points were made on how to make it look more effective and puns were tossed around here and there.